Decollette Pad

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Stop the Aging Process with the Decollette Pad!!
NO Surgeries No Pain!! IT WORKS!!

Decollette Pads are reusable, washable, 5.5 x 5 inch, self-adhesive pads that are designed to correct and prevent chest wrinkles caused by sleeping on your side, sun damage, aging, and gravity.

Decollette Pads prevent chest muscles and skin from forming creases while sleeping on our sides and stomachs. The silicone Decollette Pad is soft and flexible enough to allow your skin to move naturally while you move around at night - but firm enough to keep the creases from forming.

With the skin staying flat and smooth wrinkles that already exist begin to fade away, as they're no longer being recreated each night, and new wrinkles are being prevented at the same time! The silicone component of the pad provides a very healing quality that helps erase the stubborn wrinkles that have developed over the years. Silicone is hydrating to the skin and allows deep wrinkles to eventually plump up and fill in providing a youthful, smooth appearance. The wrinkles will stay away with continued use of the Decollette Pad - the aging process stops here.

What sets us apart from alternative medical procedures? Decollette Pads discourage new wrinkles without chemicals and without huge expensive treatments. It is very subtle and discreet to wear anytime of day - and is really very comfortable! It is made of 100% medical grade silicone. It has no allergy causing latex, urethanes, or adhesives. It is non-transdermal so that means nothing is absorbed by your skin.

Simply apply the reusable pad at bedtime to wear while you sleep or for 20-60 minutes during the day.

One pad lasts approximately 30-60 days depending on frequency of use.

No Peels No Microdermabrasion or Retinal Creams!!

Package holds 1, reusable, washable, 5.5 "x5" pad.

